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SeeTest conference features our own Andrzej Doliński speaking about session based testing and shift left approach as a way to improve quality in project.

This year Testing conference No BS About will be organised 100% online and in a new formula – a’la the Oxford debate, focused on dialogue and interaction. During a two-people conversation, Jędrzej Osiński and Zbyszek Moćkun will share their knowledge and experience gained while developing their career paths and passions.

Test:fest is a knowledge exchange platform for QA and testing engineers from Wrocław. During the one-day, free Conference, all the enthusiasts of testing will share their experience with tools, technologies, and projects.

Poznań Testing and Quality Group made a fantastic journey through the tech world during all these years. Starting as the first QA-related meet-up in Poland, it became an inspiration for QA leaders in other regions. It also built an amazing community, gathering experts passionate about testing and quality. It is sad to see it coming to an end.