SVG symbols, icon-fonts and inline SVGs are all great, you just need to choose the right one for the job in hand
Icons, firstly let's take the <img />
tag off the table, whilst images are obviously great they aren't appropriate for
use as icons. Of course, never say 'never' but even if the designer sends over a set of PNGs we would want to use them
as background-images on a span and not in image tags. We don't want screen-readers to announce 'graphic', we don't want
multiple HTTP requests, we don't want to have to change the src attribute value when the icon state changes, so just NO!
SVG symbols
Let's assume the happy path... We have in our possession an amazing SVG icon set, the individual SVGs are nice and clean, they don't contain any shapes or strokes, just paths. We are good to go, we can upload assets to an icon management tool like IcoMoon and export them as an SVG symbols file (and/or an icon-font file), we can include the SVG symbols file directly in our web app, maybe after the footer and then we can reference the individual icons using the use element.
A usage example would look like the following...
<!-- Example download link -->
<a href="..."
Coyote's creative ornithology
<svg class="icon icon-download" aria-hidden="true">
<use href="#icon-download"></use>
<!-- SVG symbols, embedded somewhere in the page -->
<svg aria-hidden="true" id="svgDemoIcon">
<symbol id="icon-download" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M16 18l8-8h-6v-8h-4v8h-6zM23.273 14.727l-2.242 2.242
8.128 3.031-13.158 4.907-13.158-4.907
8.127-3.031-2.242-2.242-8.727 3.273v8l16 6 16-6v-8z">
/* Basic icon styles somewhere in the CSS */
.icon {
fill: currentColor; /* icon colour should match text */
height: 1em;
width: 1em;
/* Bespoke style for download icon only */
a:hover .icon-download,
a:focus .icon-download {
transition: transform 0.2s;
transform: translateY(2px);
/* Hide the SVG symbols */
[id="svgDemoIcon"] {
display: none;
So that should be all working nicely. As the SVG is included in the page we don't have any caching issues, no HTTP requests and the individual icon HTML is quite small.
But hang on, having the SVG embedded on the page is fine in a SPA, but we might not want to include it on every page of a traditional website. Then we can put the SVG symbols file on the server and reference it in the same way, just including the path to the file.
<a href="..."
Coyote's creative ornithology
<svg class="icon icon-download" aria-hidden="true">
<!-- The href referencing an external .svg file -->
<use href="path/to/icons-[version number].svg#icon-download"></use>
Icon-fonts were all the rage for a couple of years. And are still quite widely used mainly due to the ease of implementation. An icon-font is usually implemented on spans or i tags, but can also be implemented directly on pseudo-elements giving quite a bit of flexibility in the CSS. In projects where editing the HTML can be quite a challenge, it's often quicker to update the CSS. This flexibility makes icon-fonts an attractive option.
Example using font-awesome 4 on the ::after
pseudo element of a link tag.
@import "";
/* Download icon to show on every link with the 'download' attribute */
a[download]::after {
content: " \f01a";
font-family: FontAwesome;
text-rendering: auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
/* With icon-fonts it's easy to swap icons in the CSS */
a[download]:hover::after {
content: " \f0ab";
a[download]:active::after {
content: " \f134";
<a href="..."
Coyote's creative ornithology (icon-font pseudo example)
<!-- or could be used on its own tag...
<a href="...">
Coyote's creative ornithology (icon-font span example)
<span class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></span>
This is a really simple approach from the point of view of not having to touch the HTML much, the icon will inherit its
colour from the current context by default and it's easy to swap icons just by changing the ::after
content value in
the CSS. If using this approach it's worth checking that screen-readers don't read-out the Unicode equivalent.
Inline SVGs
Both, the Symbol SVG and icon-font implementations have the limitation that our icons are simple. If we have more complex icons then inlining the entire SVG (without the use element) will give us the most control.
Let's have a little test trying to style individual elements on hover/focus in an SVG when included inline as compared to when referenced using the use element...
.youtube-icon {
width: 80px;
.youtube-icon:hover { /* will be applied in both use-cases */
fill: #0A54CE;
.youtube-icon .tube {
transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-origin: 70% 50%;
transition: all 0.3s linear;
.youtube-icon:focus .tube,
.youtube-icon:hover .tube { /* won't be applied when referenced by 'use' element */
fill: red;
transform: rotateY(360deg);
[id="svgDemoIcon"] {
display: none;
<!-- SVG referenced with use element -->
<svg class="youtube-icon" width="80" height="32" viewBox="0 0 80 32">
<use href="#youtube-logo"></use>
<!-- Youtube SVG directly in the page -->
<svg aria-hidden="true" class="youtube-icon" viewBox="0 0 80 32">
<path class="you" d="M10.75 5.294c0.007-0.027 0.011-0.046 0.012-0.056l0.033-0.236-1.48-0.008c-1.337-0.008-1.746 0-1.783 0.034-0.018 0.016-0.479 1.77-1.302 4.946-0.392 1.515-0.723 2.725-0.734 2.689s-0.481-1.766-1.044-3.843c-0.563-2.078-1.034-3.789-1.048-3.803-0.019-0.019-1.812-0.028-3.263-0.016-0.21 0.002-0.327-0.41 1.876 6.598 0.305 0.97 0.762 2.344 1.015 3.052 0.292 0.817 0.5 1.448 0.642 1.974 0.251 1.002 0.26 1.63 0.205 2.363-0.063 0.847-0.073 6.826-0.011 6.926 0.047 0.077 2.851 0.112 3.116 0.040 0.042-0.012 0.071-0.053 0.090-0.279 0.066-0.194 0.071-0.968 0.071-4.18v-4.103l0.179-0.566c0.117-0.37 0.413-1.344 0.656-2.163s0.538-1.801 0.654-2.18c1.057-3.447 2.067-6.838 2.094-7.032l0.022-0.158z"></path>
<path class="you" d="M26.441 10.27l-0.001 0.214-0.033 0-0.019 5.906-0.018 5.726-0.458 0.467c-0.513 0.522-0.925 0.722-1.297 0.629-0.405-0.102-0.395 0.056-0.429-6.712l-0.031-6.23h-2.947v0.214h-0.034v6.759c0 7.242-0 7.237 0.367 7.965 0.293 0.579 0.719 0.861 1.45 0.958h0c0.962 0.128 2-0.308 2.962-1.244l0.418-0.407v0.701c0 0.606 0.017 0.706 0.127 0.737 0.18 0.050 2.412 0.053 2.653 0.004l0.2-0.041v-0.207l0.034-0.007v-15.472l-2.944 0.039z"></path>
<path class="you" d="M18.965 13.323c-0.279-1.198-0.802-2.004-1.664-2.561-1.353-0.875-2.897-0.967-4.331-0.259-1.045 0.516-1.717 1.372-2.065 2.628-0.041 0.15-0.072 0.275-0.095 0.463-0.088 0.443-0.099 1.105-0.122 4.186-0.035 4.748 0.019 5.313 0.614 6.391 0.583 1.058 1.794 1.833 3.112 1.993 0.397 0.048 1.201-0.027 1.663-0.155 1.051-0.291 2.058-1.122 2.504-2.065 0.192-0.407 0.309-0.691 0.379-1.208 0.13-0.707 0.14-1.849 0.14-4.762-0-3.715-0.012-4.121-0.136-4.651zM15.604 23c-0.247 0.188-0.679 0.27-1.031 0.195-0.271-0.058-0.636-0.482-0.748-0.869-0.14-0.482-0.151-7.187-0.030-8.502 0.199-0.658 0.756-1.002 1.364-0.838 0.474 0.128 0.716 0.424 0.854 1.046 0.103 0.461 0.115 1.035 0.093 4.414-0.014 2.241-0.022 3.336-0.096 3.924-0.074 0.371-0.197 0.47-0.407 0.63z"></path>
<path class="tube" d="M71.887 16.692h1.424l-0.023-1.29c-0.022-1.183-0.039-1.319-0.198-1.64-0.249-0.507-0.617-0.731-1.201-0.731-0.701 0-1.146 0.339-1.356 1.036-0.089 0.296-0.183 2.334-0.116 2.51 0.038 0.098 0.241 0.116 1.469 0.116z"></path>
<path class="tube" d="M62.369 13.757c-0.19-0.383-0.543-0.571-0.954-0.556-0.319 0.011-0.674 0.146-1.015 0.407l-0.254 0.193v9.269l0.254 0.193c0.576 0.439 1.209 0.532 1.644 0.241 0.172-0.115 0.285-0.274 0.372-0.527 0.114-0.329 0.124-0.75 0.109-4.649-0.015-4.064-0.024-4.303-0.157-4.57z"></path>
<path class="tube" d="M80.027 9.582c-0.284-3.401-0.509-4.505-1.211-5.923-0.929-1.878-2.272-2.868-4.184-3.086-1.478-0.168-7.041-0.405-12.189-0.52-8.912-0.198-23.564 0.183-25.436 0.662-0.865 0.221-1.513 0.597-2.188 1.269-1.183 1.177-1.887 2.865-2.17 5.2-0.647 5.331-0.66 11.773-0.037 17.297 0.268 2.376 0.82 3.92 1.857 5.192 0.647 0.794 1.761 1.469 2.758 1.67 0.7 0.141 4.201 0.337 9.3 0.521 0.76 0.027 2.771 0.074 4.47 0.105 3.541 0.063 10.051 0.026 13.772-0.079 2.504-0.070 7.069-0.255 7.922-0.321 0.24-0.019 0.796-0.054 1.236-0.079 1.477-0.083 2.417-0.393 3.3-1.086 1.142-0.897 2.027-2.556 2.4-4.501 0.354-1.84 0.59-5.118 0.638-8.839 0.040-3.109-0.013-4.787-0.238-7.482zM44.54 8.35l-1.656 0.020-0.073 17.661-1.435 0.018c-1.11 0.015-1.447-0.001-1.474-0.073-0.019-0.051-0.042-4.032-0.052-8.849l-0.018-8.758-3.234-0.041v-2.76l9.557 0.039 0.041 2.721-1.656 0.020zM54.694 18.472v7.595h-2.616v-0.799c0-0.601-0.023-0.799-0.093-0.799-0.051 0-0.288 0.198-0.527 0.441-0.517 0.526-1.13 0.949-1.653 1.145-1.083 0.405-2.112 0.169-2.551-0.586-0.401-0.691-0.409-0.845-0.409-8.010v-6.58h2.614l0.020 6.196c0.019 6.088 0.022 6.2 0.168 6.448 0.193 0.329 0.488 0.417 0.956 0.288 0.276-0.076 0.464-0.21 0.911-0.654l0.563-0.561v-11.717h2.616v7.595zM64.899 24.982c-0.23 0.513-0.744 1.016-1.165 1.14-1.099 0.324-1.98 0.060-2.998-0.897-0.316-0.297-0.61-0.538-0.654-0.538-0.053 0-0.082 0.233-0.082 0.69v0.69h-2.616v-20.495h2.616v3.343c0 1.839 0.025 3.343 0.054 3.343s0.306-0.244 0.613-0.541c0.707-0.683 1.298-0.981 2.049-1.038 1.338-0.101 2.135 0.587 2.501 2.16 0.114 0.491 0.125 1.051 0.125 5.596-0 5.537-0.001 5.56-0.443 6.546zM75.968 21.943c-0.023 0.57-0.092 1.223-0.154 1.454-0.364 1.349-1.332 2.304-2.732 2.696-1.885 0.527-3.96-0.337-4.788-1.994-0.465-0.93-0.481-1.116-0.481-5.662 0-3.707 0.013-4.162 0.132-4.667 0.336-1.431 1.168-2.357 2.578-2.871 0.408-0.149 0.835-0.225 1.261-0.234 1.521-0.031 3.031 0.787 3.663 2.119 0.427 0.899 0.48 1.283 0.522 3.816l0.039 2.271-5.578 0.039-0.020 1.526c-0.029 2.153 0.116 2.815 0.697 3.207 0.489 0.329 1.24 0.305 1.649-0.055 0.383-0.337 0.491-0.698 0.529-1.753l0.034-0.927h2.694l-0.043 1.036z"></path>
<!-- Youtube SVG as symbols -->
<svg aria-hidden="true" id="svgDemoIcon">
<symbol id="youtube-logo" viewBox="0 0 80 32">
<path class="you" d="M10.75 5.294c0.007-0.027 0.011-0.046 0.012-0.056l0.033-0.236-1.48-0.008c-1.337-0.008-1.746 0-1.783 0.034-0.018 0.016-0.479 1.77-1.302 4.946-0.392 1.515-0.723 2.725-0.734 2.689s-0.481-1.766-1.044-3.843c-0.563-2.078-1.034-3.789-1.048-3.803-0.019-0.019-1.812-0.028-3.263-0.016-0.21 0.002-0.327-0.41 1.876 6.598 0.305 0.97 0.762 2.344 1.015 3.052 0.292 0.817 0.5 1.448 0.642 1.974 0.251 1.002 0.26 1.63 0.205 2.363-0.063 0.847-0.073 6.826-0.011 6.926 0.047 0.077 2.851 0.112 3.116 0.040 0.042-0.012 0.071-0.053 0.090-0.279 0.066-0.194 0.071-0.968 0.071-4.18v-4.103l0.179-0.566c0.117-0.37 0.413-1.344 0.656-2.163s0.538-1.801 0.654-2.18c1.057-3.447 2.067-6.838 2.094-7.032l0.022-0.158z"></path>
<path class="you" d="M26.441 10.27l-0.001 0.214-0.033 0-0.019 5.906-0.018 5.726-0.458 0.467c-0.513 0.522-0.925 0.722-1.297 0.629-0.405-0.102-0.395 0.056-0.429-6.712l-0.031-6.23h-2.947v0.214h-0.034v6.759c0 7.242-0 7.237 0.367 7.965 0.293 0.579 0.719 0.861 1.45 0.958h0c0.962 0.128 2-0.308 2.962-1.244l0.418-0.407v0.701c0 0.606 0.017 0.706 0.127 0.737 0.18 0.050 2.412 0.053 2.653 0.004l0.2-0.041v-0.207l0.034-0.007v-15.472l-2.944 0.039z"></path>
<path class="you" d="M18.965 13.323c-0.279-1.198-0.802-2.004-1.664-2.561-1.353-0.875-2.897-0.967-4.331-0.259-1.045 0.516-1.717 1.372-2.065 2.628-0.041 0.15-0.072 0.275-0.095 0.463-0.088 0.443-0.099 1.105-0.122 4.186-0.035 4.748 0.019 5.313 0.614 6.391 0.583 1.058 1.794 1.833 3.112 1.993 0.397 0.048 1.201-0.027 1.663-0.155 1.051-0.291 2.058-1.122 2.504-2.065 0.192-0.407 0.309-0.691 0.379-1.208 0.13-0.707 0.14-1.849 0.14-4.762-0-3.715-0.012-4.121-0.136-4.651zM15.604 23c-0.247 0.188-0.679 0.27-1.031 0.195-0.271-0.058-0.636-0.482-0.748-0.869-0.14-0.482-0.151-7.187-0.030-8.502 0.199-0.658 0.756-1.002 1.364-0.838 0.474 0.128 0.716 0.424 0.854 1.046 0.103 0.461 0.115 1.035 0.093 4.414-0.014 2.241-0.022 3.336-0.096 3.924-0.074 0.371-0.197 0.47-0.407 0.63z"></path>
<path class="tube" d="M71.887 16.692h1.424l-0.023-1.29c-0.022-1.183-0.039-1.319-0.198-1.64-0.249-0.507-0.617-0.731-1.201-0.731-0.701 0-1.146 0.339-1.356 1.036-0.089 0.296-0.183 2.334-0.116 2.51 0.038 0.098 0.241 0.116 1.469 0.116z"></path>
<path class="tube" d="M62.369 13.757c-0.19-0.383-0.543-0.571-0.954-0.556-0.319 0.011-0.674 0.146-1.015 0.407l-0.254 0.193v9.269l0.254 0.193c0.576 0.439 1.209 0.532 1.644 0.241 0.172-0.115 0.285-0.274 0.372-0.527 0.114-0.329 0.124-0.75 0.109-4.649-0.015-4.064-0.024-4.303-0.157-4.57z"></path>
<path class="tube" d="M80.027 9.582c-0.284-3.401-0.509-4.505-1.211-5.923-0.929-1.878-2.272-2.868-4.184-3.086-1.478-0.168-7.041-0.405-12.189-0.52-8.912-0.198-23.564 0.183-25.436 0.662-0.865 0.221-1.513 0.597-2.188 1.269-1.183 1.177-1.887 2.865-2.17 5.2-0.647 5.331-0.66 11.773-0.037 17.297 0.268 2.376 0.82 3.92 1.857 5.192 0.647 0.794 1.761 1.469 2.758 1.67 0.7 0.141 4.201 0.337 9.3 0.521 0.76 0.027 2.771 0.074 4.47 0.105 3.541 0.063 10.051 0.026 13.772-0.079 2.504-0.070 7.069-0.255 7.922-0.321 0.24-0.019 0.796-0.054 1.236-0.079 1.477-0.083 2.417-0.393 3.3-1.086 1.142-0.897 2.027-2.556 2.4-4.501 0.354-1.84 0.59-5.118 0.638-8.839 0.040-3.109-0.013-4.787-0.238-7.482zM44.54 8.35l-1.656 0.020-0.073 17.661-1.435 0.018c-1.11 0.015-1.447-0.001-1.474-0.073-0.019-0.051-0.042-4.032-0.052-8.849l-0.018-8.758-3.234-0.041v-2.76l9.557 0.039 0.041 2.721-1.656 0.020zM54.694 18.472v7.595h-2.616v-0.799c0-0.601-0.023-0.799-0.093-0.799-0.051 0-0.288 0.198-0.527 0.441-0.517 0.526-1.13 0.949-1.653 1.145-1.083 0.405-2.112 0.169-2.551-0.586-0.401-0.691-0.409-0.845-0.409-8.010v-6.58h2.614l0.020 6.196c0.019 6.088 0.022 6.2 0.168 6.448 0.193 0.329 0.488 0.417 0.956 0.288 0.276-0.076 0.464-0.21 0.911-0.654l0.563-0.561v-11.717h2.616v7.595zM64.899 24.982c-0.23 0.513-0.744 1.016-1.165 1.14-1.099 0.324-1.98 0.060-2.998-0.897-0.316-0.297-0.61-0.538-0.654-0.538-0.053 0-0.082 0.233-0.082 0.69v0.69h-2.616v-20.495h2.616v3.343c0 1.839 0.025 3.343 0.054 3.343s0.306-0.244 0.613-0.541c0.707-0.683 1.298-0.981 2.049-1.038 1.338-0.101 2.135 0.587 2.501 2.16 0.114 0.491 0.125 1.051 0.125 5.596-0 5.537-0.001 5.56-0.443 6.546zM75.968 21.943c-0.023 0.57-0.092 1.223-0.154 1.454-0.364 1.349-1.332 2.304-2.732 2.696-1.885 0.527-3.96-0.337-4.788-1.994-0.465-0.93-0.481-1.116-0.481-5.662 0-3.707 0.013-4.162 0.132-4.667 0.336-1.431 1.168-2.357 2.578-2.871 0.408-0.149 0.835-0.225 1.261-0.234 1.521-0.031 3.031 0.787 3.663 2.119 0.427 0.899 0.48 1.283 0.522 3.816l0.039 2.271-5.578 0.039-0.020 1.526c-0.029 2.153 0.116 2.815 0.697 3.207 0.489 0.329 1.24 0.305 1.649-0.055 0.383-0.337 0.491-0.698 0.529-1.753l0.034-0.927h2.694l-0.043 1.036z"></path>
SVG added with 'use' element | Same SVG inline |
No difference between the elements | 'You' and 'Tube' behave differently |
Thankfully, we are unlikely to need to implement anything like the above. But it's worth remembering if we need to style any individual elements within an SVG it will need to be inlined as this can't be achieved when the SVG is added via the use element.
It's better to treat any text needed for screen-readers separately from any visual icon. It's tempting to try and kill two birds with one stone here and knit these two together. But hiding the icon from screen-readers completely and having a separate element for screen-reader only text is a safe bet.
<a href="#" ...>
Coyote's creative ornithology
<!-- visually hidden text for screen-readers -->
<span class="sr-only">, PDF download</span>
<!-- visual icon -->
<svg class="icon icon-download" aria-hidden="true">
<use href="#icon-download"></use>
In the example above, the visual icon and hidden text are independent. If the design treatment changes and the icon is positioned before the link text or it's removed altogether the screen-reader only text will still be correct.
What to do if our source SVGs contain shapes and/or strokes?
As we live and work in the real world it's quite possible we might get sent icons that contain shapes, strokes and hardcoded colours. This can be a bit of a headache, without cleaning them up we are unlikely to be able to use an icon manager and we definitely can't generate an icon-font. If the design team are inhouse it's likely they would help out and rebuild the SVGs, but if the icons have come from another agency it might not even be politically expedient to ask for them to sort it out!
We are left with the choice of rebuilding the SVGs ourselves or using them as is. As they are, we can't use them for icon-fonts, we could still hand-roll them into SVG symbols, but as we won't be able to apply consistent behaviour via CSS it's probably best to just use them as good old background-images e.g.
.icon {
background: no-repeat 50%;
background-size: contain;
display: inline-block;
height: 20px;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 20px;
.icon-share {
/* could be path or data uri */
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='22' height='22' viewBox='0 0 22 22'%3E%3Cg fill='none' fill-rule='evenodd' stroke='%23333' stroke-width='2' transform='translate(1 1)'%3E%3Ccircle cx='16.5' cy='3.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='3.5' cy='10.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='16.5' cy='16.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Cpath stroke-linecap='square' d='M13 4.4L6.5 7.6M7 13l6 2.625'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
a:hover .icon-share,
a:focus .icon-share {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='22' height='22' viewBox='0 0 22 22'%3E%3Cg fill='none' fill-rule='evenodd' stroke='%2396d700' stroke-width='2' transform='translate(1 1)'%3E%3Ccircle cx='16.5' cy='3.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='3.5' cy='10.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='16.5' cy='16.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Cpath stroke-linecap='square' d='M13 4.4L6.5 7.6M7 13l6 2.625'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
a:active .icon-share {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='22' height='22' viewBox='0 0 22 22'%3E%3Cg fill='none' fill-rule='evenodd' stroke='%23ff0000' stroke-width='2' transform='translate(1 1)'%3E%3Ccircle cx='16.5' cy='3.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='3.5' cy='10.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='16.5' cy='16.5' r='3.5'/%3E%3Cpath stroke-linecap='square' d='M13 4.4L6.5 7.6M7 13l6 2.625'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
<a href="...">
Share Coyote's creative ornithology (SVG as background-image example)
<span class="icon icon-share"></span>
Using an SVG as a normal image is obviously not exactly what we want, but as they are vector-based graphics they will at least scale nicely and are still a better choice than a PNG.
To cut a long story short...
SVG symbols
Good choice for standard icons, if possible embed the SVG symbols directly in the page.
Good flexibility, they can be used with spans or added directly to elements pseudo content in the CSS.
Inline SVGs
A must for complex icons with more advanced CSS control.
Further reading
- SVG 'use' with External Reference - css-tricks
- SVG 'symbol' a Good Choice for Icons - css-tricks
- IcoMoon
- #WeekofIcons - prepare svg icons for icon fonts
- Whats new in SVG 2 - w3c
- Font Awesome 4 icon-font
- Font Awesome 5 inline svg
- Symbol element -
- Use element -
- SVG authoring tips - w3c
- Bulletproof Accessible Icon Fonts (old but shill interesting)
Hero image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash, opens in a new window